The breed is recent, it was created in California in the 60s. It is a crossing of Persian and Sacred of Burma. The kittens being very sociable, cuddly and relaxed, the breeder decided to name them "Ragdoll" for their malleable temperament.
The breed was officially recognized in the United States in 1971 and in France in 1986.
Character and behavior
As its name indicates, the Ragdoll lets go completely when carried and shows no aggression towards the person carrying it. Perfect for living with children, the Ragdoll is always calm and peaceful, patient and cuddly.
The Ragdoll likes to play, but he also likes his peace and quiet. Napping is his favorite sport!
So attached to his master, it is quite possible that he follows him everywhere in the house.
The Ragdoll gets along very well with other animals, but be careful not to rush him! Some breeders admit that this breed can't stand loneliness and that Ragdolls thrive best when other companions live in the house.
It is a cat that meows a lot if it needs something!
Physical characteristics
It is a medium to large cat (about 35 cm), which can weigh from 3 to 9kg for the biggest males. The chest is broader than other cats and its body is muscular.
The coat is medium long and very silky, like a plush. Each Ragdoll has a collar of hair around the neck, which amplifies this impression.
The eyes are always a deep blue.
There are several variations for the coat:
Colourpoint: the cat has a darker colored mask. The most common shade is between white and cream.
Mitted: in addition to the Colourpoint, the chin is white with white stripes on the muzzle. The pads are pink and the legs are white.
Bicolor: lighter in color, the mask is upside down and the paws are white.
The kittens are all born white and develop their final color after 3 or 4 years.
This is a breed that acclimates very quickly to changes in environment, no worries if you plan to move, your cat will get used to his new home very quickly.
It is a perfect indoor cat, but don't be mistaken, Ragdolls adapt very well to your outdoor environment, even if you will never see it venture outside your property.
Care and maintenance
It is recommended to brush this cat at least once a week and every day during the seasonal moult (spring and fall). Watch out for knots under the belly and neck, which can pull if you are not careful.
If your cat doesn't go outside daily, it's best to trim its nails regularly, unless the cat files its own nails with a scratching post.
The unadventurous nature of this non-athletic cat and its love of napping make it an excellent candidate for being overweight. It is therefore important to watch its diet and avoid anything fatty and salty!
It is not uncommon for these cats to have problems with gingivitis, some even lose their teeth with age.
The most common disease in this breed is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which consists of an enlargement of the heart.
Kidney problems are not uncommon in some of these felines, including the formation of cysts on the kidneys.
The average life expectancy of a Ragdoll is 12 to 17 years.
The breed is not hypoallergenic.
We adopted Chayah 6 months ago and we are very happy with this little ball of fur. She has adapted without any problem to her new environment, and to her new friends!

See you next time on The Pets Ark !
The Pets Ark family